Volume: 7 Issue: 12, 12/31/23

Year: 2023



Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Faculty of Education is a refereed, international scientific journal published twice a year. It publishes qualitative and quantitative researches based on implementation, analysis and evaluations conducted in all areas of education. The main aim is to create a scientific platform where scientists share their knowledge, experience, analysis, opinions and suggestions, and contribute to the studies in the field of education at national and international level. The similarity ratio of the articles submitted to the journal is checked through the Plagiarism software program.


The reviewing policies of the articles submitted to this journal as follows: Submitted articles are reviewed by the editor/editors and/or members of the editorial board regarding aim, scope, method, and writing principles. The manuscripts produced in line with the principles of publication and writing are checked through the plagiarism software program. If the similarity rate is less than 20%, it is sent to the two referees, who are known for their works in that field for scientific evaluation, without specifying the name of the author.

In case two referees express their opinions as “It is appropriate to publish” the manuscript shall be published in the volume determined by the Editorial Board. In case two referees express their opinions as “It is not appropriate to publish”, the manuscript is not published in the journal. If one of the referees declares a positive opinion on the publication of the manuscript and the other expresses a negative opinion, the manuscript is sent to a third referee; the report of the third referee determines whether the manuscript will be published or not. The manuscripts cannot be withdrawn in any case. The authors are obliged to take into account the criticism and suggestions when referees ask editing. However, if they do not agree with criticism and suggestions, they are need to explain on a separate page together with their reasons. Authors have the responsibility to submit the revised manuscript to the journal within the specified time. The revised manuscript can be reviewed again by the referees who request changes in case of necessity. Journal editors can make minor changes which do not affect content in the article when needed. The authors are not informed about the identities of referees and the referees are not informed about whom the article belongs to. Authors’ reports and correspondence about the manuscripts are archived in the journal automation.


Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Faculty of Education of is published electronically twice a year.


In terms of scientific publishing standards, the submitted articles should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules of the Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Faculty of Education and the criteria of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


The editorial policies of Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Education Faculty are as follows:
• The submitted articles; after being evaluated by the editor (s) and / or editorial board members in terms of purpose, scope, method and writing principles, are checked for similarity through iThenticate and Turnitin software programmes and the manuscripts need to be convenient to the publishing and writing principles as well.
• The similarity rate is expected to be below 20%, the anonymous manuscripts (written without specifying writer(s) name) are sent to two independent reviewers in related fields for scientific evaluation process. After the manuscripts’ being evaluated as "suitable for publication", the articles are published in the following issue determined by the Editorial Board. In case of the manuscript’s being evaluated as "Not suitable for publication" the article is not published. In case of both a positive and a negative evaluation by the referees, the article is sent to a third party reviewer. The evaluation report of the third reviewer is ultimate for the publication of the article.
• The author is responsible to deliver the corrected text to the journal within the specified period. In case of a request for correction by the reviewers, the authors must take into account the criticism and suggestions of the reviewers and do the required corrections. Nevertheless, for the issues that the writer disagrees with the criticism and suggestions of the referees, they should explain the issues in separate page with the reasons and justifications. Corrected articles can be rechecked by the referees if requested. Articles are not returned to the authors whether or not published.
• Journal editors can make minor changes, if necessary, within the article that do not affect the content of the article. According to the blind review process, both the reviewers and the authors are mutually anonymous. Reviewer reports and correspondence about the article are archived within the journal automation.

About the Journal

• Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Education Faculty is a scientific, refereed, online journal which has been electronically and semiannually (June and December, twice a year in) published since 2017.
• The main focus of the journal is the theoretical and practical studies in educational field and other related multidisciplinary and social sciences.
• The publication language of the journal is Turkish. However, the full text articles both in English and Turkish are also properly. All the articles should have an expanded abstract in English as well.
• Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Education Faculty is indexed in; (Asos Indeks, FiceFactos, Idealonline, Türk Egitim Indeksi, DRJI, Academic Resource Index…)
• Our journal adopts open access policy. It is free to access to International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences. The policy of Budapest Open Access Initiative has been applied in our journal. http://www.budapestopenaccessi nitiative.org/read

Articles to be submitted should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules and scientific publishing standards of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Education Faculty and the Editorial Ethics Committee (COPE) criteria.
• Articles to be submitted must comply with research and publication ethical rules. For any kinds of issues against ethical rules, the responsibility of the article belongs to the authors.
• Articles to be submitted neither should not have been published anywhere before nor should not be in the evaluation process of in another journal.
• After being accepted through the evaluation process, the submitted articles cannot be withdrawn from the journal for any reason.
• On behalf of all the authors, the corresponding author is responsible for the final version of the article.

Writing Principles of MKU Journal of Faculty of Education
Submitted articles should be formed by title, abstract; main text and extended abstract sections. The main text should also be sorted by “introduction; aim; method; findings/results; conclusion, discussion, recommendations; references; appendix (if any) and extended abstract sections”.
Submitted manuscripts must be written in Microsoft Word 2010 or more advanced programs (* .docx), in Calibri font, 10 pt and single line spacing. Line spacing should not be left between paragraphs. Spacing between paragraphs should be 3 pt before paragraph and 0 pt after paragraph. Automatic spaces should not be used in tables. Paragraph indents should be 1 cm, margins should be 5.5 cm at the top and bottom edges; It should be 4.5 cm on the left and right edges.
Articles to be published in the journal should be written according to the writing rules and examples given below. For situations other than the examples given, the principles (APA style), specified in "Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (6th Edition) 2010" by the American Psychological Association, should be considered. (For examples, refer to http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm).

The Title Page
The title page should be written both in Turkish and in English; the authors’ name (s), institution’s name, abstract in Turkish and in English and keywords should also take placed below the title. The title should reflect the content of the article in the best possible way. Abbreviations should not be used neither in the title not the abstract. The number of words in the title should not be exceeded by 12 words, and be written in 11 pt.
Authors' names and surnames should be placed under the title line, centered, in bold characters. The first letter of the first name should be capitalized, other letters should be in lowercase; all the letters within surname should be capitalized. The institution of the authors should be written just below the names. Author and institution names should be written for each of the authors individually.
Turkish and English abstracts and keywords should be written italic in 10 font size, with single space. The abstract should be in the length of 150-200 words. The scope, purpose, method and result of the study should be given briefly in the abstract. 3-5 keywords should be written following the abstract.

The Main Text
The studies should respectively include introduction, method, findings, and discussion sections.
1. In the introduction section, the basic concepts, theoretical development and approaches in the current literature and the problem situation, purpose, hypotheses, assumptions, limitations etc. should be briefly introduced. This section must be started with a new beginning page.
2. In the method section, the population, sample, data collection tools, data analysis techniques, process steps etc. should be explained.
3. In the Findings/Results section, the findings regarding the research problem / hypothesis should be presented.
4. In the Discussion section, the findings of the research should be explained, discussed, interpreted by comparing with the results of previous studies, and recommendations should be made depending on the findings / results.
Tables, graphics and figures in the text should be numbered and written in a brief title. No vertical lines, only 3 horizontal lines (two from the top and one from the bottom) should be used in the tables,
Tables should not exceed the page boundaries. However, in larger tables, if necessary, the font size can be lowered or the page structure can be horizontally formed.

The bibliography should be arranged in accordance with the examples given under the heading "Arrangement of References".

Appendix (If any)
The scale, document, picture etc., which is thought to have an important function to make the research understandable can be given in addition. Appendix should be numbered as App-1, App-2, and refer to these numbers in the text.

Extended Abstract
English Extended Abstract should be added after the references section of the articles written in Turkish. (In English articles, Turkish extended abstract won’t be added). The extended abstract should be between 750-1000 words. The writing rules of the journal that applied to the main text are also valid for the extended abstract. Extended Abstract should include "Introduction", "Method", "Result and Discussion" subtitles. Proofreading of the extended abstract is under the responsibility of the author. The articles with insufficient extended abstracts are not be published unless corrected.

Headings and subheadings in the text should be organized as follows:
• First Order Subtitle: First letter capitalized, other letters lowercase, all in bold letters, starting from the beginning of the paragraph. Example: Introduction
• Secondary Order Subtitle: Only the first letters are capitalized and all in bold and italic letters. Example: Purpose of the Study
• Third Order Subtitle: Only the first letters are capitalized and all in italics. Example: Personal Pronouns in Turkish One line space should be left before all headings.

Citing In the Text
• While referring to the sources in the text, the surname (s) of the author (s), the year of publication and the page number of the relevant publication are used.
A comma (,) between the author's surname and the publication year of the work is added, then followed by a colon, the page number is written after the publication year of the work.
Example: A movement made during a conversation may increase the effect of the message in one society and create the opposite effect in another (Baltaci, 1998: 46).
• If a section of a study is cited exactly, this section should be indicated by using quotation marks (" ") and the page number of the cited work should be written after the publication year of the cited work by placing two dots (:). If the name of the author is mentioned as part of the sentence, the year of publication and the page number should be placed next to the name in parentheses. Example: According to Korkmaz (2007: 68), grammar is a branch of knowledge that teaches the meaning relations between the sound, form and sentence structure of Turkish and the elements of the sentence in schools of various levels.
• If the number of authors is between 3 and 5, the first citation is given according to the order in the study. For following references to the same study, only the surname of the first author is written, instead of other writers in Turkish articles "ve diger.", for English articles "Et al." abbreviations are used.
Example: In the Primary School Turkish Program prepared in 1936, it was accepted to teach reading and writing starting from simple words (Çelenk, Tertemiz, & Kalayci 2000).
A study by more than 5 authors, together with the surname of the first author from the first reference, in Turkish articles "ve diger."; for English articles "Et al." abbreviations are used. Example: Thus, the information described is much easier to understand and become permanent (Korkmaz et al., 1995).
If more than one studies are cited for the same statements, the references should be given in chronological order in parentheses at the end of the sentence, with semicolons between them.
Example: There are also studies indicating that school administrators are exposed to more stress than teachers (Savery, 1993; Feitler, 1996).
• If the cited study is prepared on behalf of an institution, the full name of the institution, abbreviation, year of publication and page number are given in the first citation. In later references, only the abbreviation of the institution is used, not the full name. Example: (Turkish Language Association, [TDK], 1997), (TDK, 1997).
• If two separate studies of an author belonging to the same year are cited, a letter is added to the years of these publications. Example: (Aydin, 1998a), (Aydin, 1998b).
• When citing a publication that is not directly accessible in the text, the source from which the citation is made should be specified as follows. Example: ... (Karahan, 1985, as cited in Gündüz, 1998).

Editing the Bibliography
All references within the study should be given in alphabetical order in accordance with the following principles.

Book by one author
Onan, B. (2013). Basic concepts of language education. Ankara: Nobel Publishing House.

Multi-author book
Yildirim, A., & Simsek, H. (2005). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing House.

Books by editors and multiple authors
Kirkkilic, A., & Akyol, H. (Ed.). (2009). Turkish Education in Primary Education. (2nd Edition). Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayincilik.

Book with corporate author / Institution authored books
Turkish Language Association, (1998). Turkish dictionary. (8th Edition). Ankara: Turkish Language Association.

Translation books
Bloom, B. J. (1998). Human qualities and learning in school. (Translated by Durmus Ali Özçelik). Istanbul: MEB Publishing House.

Articles in periodicals
Fine, A. (2006). Aims in literature education and methods, techniques and sample applications for these purposes. National Education, 196, 85-105.

Chapters in an edited book
Göçer, A. (2009). Measurement and evaluation in Turkish teaching. (Ed: A. Kirkkilic and H. Akyol), Teaching Turkish in Primary Education, Ankara: Pegem Academy Publications, p. 477-551.

Printed symposium and congress paper
Huber, E., & Uzun, L. (2000). Observations on scientific texts written in Turkish in the field of linguistics. XIII. Linguistics Congress (13-15 May 1999), (Ed .: A. S. Özsoy and E. E. Taylan) Istanbul: Bogaziçi Üniversitesi Yayinevi, p. 201-215.

Newspaper Article
Akyol, T. (2001, December 24). The Literary Debate. Milliyet, p.12.

Uzun, L. (1992). A text linguistic study on the Turkish texts: Usage in its scientific and morphological aspects. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara.

Articles in electronic journals/databases
Brewster, C., & Railsback, J. (2002). Fullday kindergarten: Exploring an option for extended learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED472733). (Access Date: 18.09.2008).

Arakji, R. Y., & Lang, K. R. (2008). Avatar business value analysis: a method for the evaluation of business value creation in virtual commerce. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9, 207-218. http://www.csulb.edu/journals/jecr/ (Access Date: 15.09.2012).

Unpublished lecture notes and unpublished scientific meeting papers are not cited as references.


• The author(s) should not send an article that previously published or the articles still in evaluation process elsewhere. The authors should also not simultaneously submit more than one article for the same publication issue.
• Author (s) should submit only the original articles which were written in accordance with ethical research rules. The citations and the references should also be correctly referred (cite) to the sources in line with research and ethical principles.
• The names of the researchers who did not contribute to the article should not be added as authors. Additionally, the order of the authors nor the change, remove or adding new authors for an submitted article should not be demanded once it submitted for publication.
• The editors should be notified at once before the publication if there are any conflict of interest or a common interest in the article for publication.
• In the case of the information or raw data regarding their articles requested from the author(s) during the evaluation process, they should submit the requested information to the Editors.
• The author(s) should document that the rights to use the data in the articles, the ethical permission and the consent of the participants within the research.
• The author(s) should contact with the editor at once to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error in the evaluation and early viewing or electronically published article.
• The studies through quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require ethics committee approval should also be uploaded to the system together with the documents indicating the name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision (which should also be indicated on the first-last page of the submitted article and in the method section). In addition, the case study reports should also include the information about informed consent/obtaining consent form in the article.
• The author(s) should present in the article the evidences that they adhere to ethical principles in the data collection process (e.g. the permission from the third parties to use documents like scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should also be stated that the copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works are complied with. In the case of the research’s being carried out on human and animal subjects, it should also be reported that the research was carried out in accordance with universal and international reports, guidelines, etc.
• Ethics committee approval is not required from the author (s) for review or non-data based conceptual and theoretical articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated that an ethics committee decision is not required, on the first-last page and method section of the article by the aouthor(s).

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